Contribute to the GN Goat Magazine
The GNRHS encourages its members, indeed all authors, to contribute to The Goat. Each article of information you provide tells us just a little bit more about the Great Northern. Working together, we can keep its memory alive today and for future generations. If you have knowledge you’d like to share, please give us a call or send us an email. Research is mostly up to the individual but we have extensive information in our Archives to assist you. In addition, we have editors, photo specialists, proof readers and researchers eager to help. The Authors Guidelines below will help get you started. Although the process may seem daunting, it actually goes quite smoothly. Give it a try! Who knows, you may become famous!
About the GN Goat Magazine
Articles printed in The Goat magazine are usually general human interest pieces. They may be anecdotes from former employees or just folks with a story to tell. Goat magazine articles usually do not take as much preparation as Reference Sheets. Stories should be submitted to the Managing Editor. He will review your article and help you prepare it for publication. In all cases, the decision of the Managing Editor is final.
Regular Columns
Each Great Northern Goat magazine features columns for which we welcome your contributions:
Rocky's Views
Published on the backcover of each Goat magazine, Rocky's Views showcases photos of all and everything Great Northern. Rocky needs interesting photos that you are willing to share with our readers. Send them, along with caption information, to the Goat editor via email.
Rcky Wants to Know
Many of us have a nice collection of Great Northern images. Within that collection we usually have a few of which we don’t know the location or date. We have searched long and hard for answers but usually without result. In ‘Rocky Wants to Know’ in each issue of the Goat we feature a mystery photo, slide or postcard asking for your help identifying the image. If you know anything about what’s in the picture; location, year, buildings, trains, etc, please let us know and we’ll pass on the information to the owner of the photo and publish the info in the next ‘Rocky Wants to Know’ column.
If you have a mystery photo in your collection and you’ve searched long and hard for answers, send us a scan of it. Please include the information you already have on it and we’ll publish it in 'Rocky Wants to Know'. You can send your entries and answers to "Rocky Wants to Know" via email.
Publishing Rights
Reference Sheets, Modelers’ Pages and Goat contents are copyrighted by GNRHS. All or parts of these publications may not be reprinted without written permission of the Managing Editor. Original photos, diagrams, drawings, maps, charts, etc. are returned to the author after publication. Since the GNRHS is a non-profit volunteer organization, authors and contributors are not compensated for their work.