Wednesday, July 23, 2003

First stop on today's tour was a look inside the Havre Diesel
Shop, courtesy of BNSF.

Next, the group visited the Havre Underground Tour (seen here)
and the Havre Railroad Museum.

Many attendees stayed at the aptly-named Great Northern
Inn. The convention banquet was held across the street at the Duck Inn.
The 2003 Havre Convention photography and modeling award winners were:
Casey Adams "Best Great Northern Railway Photograph"
Award - Don Greytak
Freight Car Model Award - Wayne Schleuter
Caboose Model Award - Stan Townsend
What If? Model Award - Bob Showers
Best of Show Model Award - Stan Townsend
Special thanks to GNRHS member Ben Ringnalda
for use of his Havre 2003 pictures.
